The Shia Mahdi … Useless?
This is a topic about the occultation or Ghaybah of the Shia 12th Imam. If we want to sum up the situation of the Twelver Shia concerning their belief in the 12th Imam it would be as follows: It is [read more]
This is a topic about the occultation or Ghaybah of the Shia 12th Imam. If we want to sum up the situation of the Twelver Shia concerning their belief in the 12th Imam it would be as follows: It is [read more]
Shia leader al-Mufid was asked by some man: فقال صاحب المجلس وهو رجل أعجمي لا معرفة له بالفقه وإنما يعرف الظواهر: أنا أسالك في هذا الباب عن مسالة خبرني هل تزوج رسول الله (ص) متعة أو تزوج أمير المؤمنين – [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf entitled: The Oppression of Sayeda Faatima (s.a) I, which was published on the 21st of August, 2012, which can be found here. RTS starts off with the following introduction: In this article [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf entitled: Prophet (saw) Is Affected By Black Magic! The article was published on the 10th of February, 2012, and can be found here. In this article RTS tries to prove two [read more]
The following is a response to the article on RevisitingtheSalaf entitled: Is Allah (swt) Pleased with the Companions? The article was published on the 7th of November, 2012, and can be found here. In this article, RTS attempts to prove that the [read more]
This is a response to the article by RevisitingtheSalaf.org, written on the 20th of January, 2012, entitled: The Prophet (saw) Married A’isha at 6!, which can be found here. Introduction: Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the last prophet, and [read more]
This is a response to the article by RevisitingtheSalaf.org, written on the 3rd of February, 2012, entitled: The Life Of The Prophet (saw) From The Wife of the Prophet (saw), which can be found here & here. Introduction: Prophet Muhammad [read more]
This is a response to the article by RevisitingtheSalaf.org, written on the 3rd of November, 2012, entitled: Imam Sadiq (a.s) On Ghadeer, which can be found here. RTS quoted this narration from his Shia book al-Kafi: Mohammad ibn Yahya has [read more]
Praise be to Allah and his glory be to Him. I shall begin by explaining the title of this rather advanced topic Insha-Allah. First we present the following Qur’anic verse from Surat al-Baqarah: {And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was [read more]
This is the first part from the book “al-Salatu Khayrun min al-Nawm” by the ex-Shia al-Baseer may Allah reward him. Al-Salatu Khayrun min al-Nawm [Part-1] Preface: The most truthful of words are those within the book of Allah, and [read more]
May Allah's blessings be upon the Prophet, his family and companions. © 2018 - TwelverShia.net