Atiyyah Al Awfi – A full Study
Status of Atiyyah bin Sa’d bin Junadah al-‘Awfi in the eyes of the Muhadiseen – a full Study. Also, includes a refutation of Mahmud Saeed’s defense of Atiyyah.
Status of Atiyyah bin Sa’d bin Junadah al-‘Awfi in the eyes of the Muhadiseen – a full Study. Also, includes a refutation of Mahmud Saeed’s defense of Atiyyah.
Ḥadīth al-Thaqalayn is a renowned Prophetic tradition that has been classically and controversially cited and debated in Sunnī-Shī’ite polemics and early Uṣūlī works. A challenge that faces many of the appeals and discussions that revolve around this report is the [read more]
This book provides an historical rendition of the events which culminated within Karbala. It is made distinct due to the fact that the rendition provided is based strictly upon narrations deemed authentic according to the conditions of the hadith scholars. [read more]
The book of Saqifah and Shura or Kitab-ul-Saqifah wal-Shura. What prompted me to write this book was the common person’s ignorance concerning the matter, generally whether Sunni or Shia. [read more]
Response to: The Shia are the Real Ahlul-Sunnah by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs Translated by Hānī Salḥab Al-Ṭarābulsī *Note: The original page referencing provided by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs was kept. Though, we have added the titles of the chapters in English [read more]
Response to: To be with the Truthful by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs Translated by Hānī Salḥab Al-Ṭarābulsī *Note: The original page referencing provided by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs was kept. Though, we have added the titles of the chapters in English from [read more]
Response to: Ask Those Who Know by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs Translated by Hānī Salḥab Al-Ṭarābulsī *Note: The original page referencing provided by Sh. Uthmān Al-Khamīs was kept. Though, we have added the titles of the chapters in English from Tijani’s [read more]
Response to: Then I Was Guided by Sh. Uthman Al-Khamīs Translated by Hani Salhab Al-Tarabulsi *Note: The original page referencing provided by Sh. Uthman Al-Khamees was kept. Though, we have added the titles of the chapters in English from Tijani’s [read more]
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem, The following is an e-book by Dr. Abdulrahman Dimashqiah, the renowned Sunni apologist. The book provides a dissection of many of the differences between the Sunni and Shia sects. The author, may Allah preserve him, writes [read more]
Book title: The Fierce Lashings in Exposing the Deceptions of the Author of Al-Murāja`āt (Al-Siyāt-ul-Ladhi`āt fi Kashf Kadhib wa Tadlīs Sāḥib-il-Murāja`āt) by `Abdullah bin `Abshan al-Ghamidi Translated by: Hani Al-Trabulsi The author of the book writes in the introduction: Dear respected reader, [read more]
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