
The Mohseni Dilemma

March 5, 2019 twelvershia.net 0

‘Ilm Al-Rijal is the discipline where the reliability and status of hadith transmitters is discerned and evaluated. It is the backbone of the hadith sciences, since the acceptance and rejection of historical reports hinges upon the reliability of their respective [read more]


Thirteen Imams Not Twelve

December 29, 2018 twelvershia.net 0

It may come as a surprise to many Shīas, that there are multiple hadīths in the classical Shīa works that speak of thirteen Imāms instead of twelve. Today, Shīa scholars would dismiss these are scribal errors. These reports often state [read more]


The Shia Narrator with a Double-Life

December 18, 2018 twelvershia.net 0

`Abbād bin Ya’qūb Al-Rawājinī, a third century Kufan narrator, is one of the most peculiar cases a hadithist will ever come across. Even though he does not shy away from showing his Shīa tendencies by cursing companions like Uthmān, it [read more]