Response to: Why abu bakar did not give fadak to bibi fatima asws?


The following is a response to Hasan Molai’s “Why abu bakar did not give fadak to bibi fatima asws?” The article can be found on Slave of Ahlubait’s blog and the Wilayat website.

The Shi’ee answer to the question provided is as follows, as per the translated text:

“had he given fadak on that day just due to her claim, what then she had come on next day and said that caliphate is the right of my husband, then abu bakar would have no choice left;; and that was no possible to give away or agree to with anything; so made it must for his ownself that she is truthful and she claims for anything and then he had to accept any claim without evidence or testimony”

This is the opinion of Al-Fariqi and Ibn Abi Al-Hadeed.

We respond by saying:

The statement provided is ridiculous, since it suggests that Abu Bakr suggested that Fatima was not trustworthy. This is far from the case. Abu Bakr and the whole community accepted the trustworthiness of Fatima, but he denied her Fadak by telling to her that she was not aware that the Prophet – peace be upon him – wanted his inheritance to go to charity.

Fatima did not retaliate by saying that her father promised her an inheritance, so it never led to anyone accusing the other of lying.

More importantly, the whole situation of Fadak cannot be compared to the caliphate of Ali, for there were supposedly tens of thousands of people that witness the alleged appointment of Ali.

Also, when one usurps the leadership of an appointed ruler, the wronged ruler’s wife does not simply go to the current tyrant and requests that he abdicate his throne. This fictional suggestion would not make sense in any novel, film, or video game.


  1. How ridiculous article!! So fatima(a), leader of Muslim women in jannah, daughter of the most pure human being on earth, wife of the “city of knowledge”, ((all according to sunni sources)), didn’t knew what her father had left for her??Abu bakr knew???

    Abu Bakr stated:

    We (prophets) do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is to be given in charity.

    and the word heir means: “One who inherits “or “is legally entitled to inherit the property”(the American Dictionary – 2nd College Edition p324). Now, the very first statement goes against the facts since, historically it is admitted the holy Prophet (S) received inheritance from his father as as follows

    Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib left to Umme Aiman a legacy of five (5) dust coloured camels and a small flock of sheep, which was inherited by the Prophet of Allah.

    Sunni references:

    – Tabaqat Ibn Sad – Part I p39
    – Siratun Nabi by Moulana Shibli Noumani, v1, p122
    – Fath al Bari vol 3 p 360-361 (Mentions a house from Hashim, a sword, some goats and five (5) camels).
    – Seerah al Halabiyah vol 1 p 56
    – Ansab al Ashraf v 1 p 96

    When the first part of the tradition is proved wrong, then how can the second part that is “What we leave behind is to be given in charity”, be true as well! This very statement also clearly violates the Verses that are stated in the Holy Qur’an, that are as follows:

    “And Solomon (Sulaymaan) inherited from David.”(Qur’an 27:16)

    While both Sulaymaan and David were prophets and very wealthy. they were kings at their era. Allah , Exalted, also says:

    “(Zakariya prayed to Allah by saying) … Grant me a son from yourself, who inherits from me andinherit from the children of Jacob, and make him, O’ my Lord, the one with whom you are well-pleased.”(Qur’an: 19:5-6).

    These are examples that Prophets left inheritances, and as might you have seen that they seem to contradict the hadith that was narrated by Abu Bakr. So do you value Abu bakrs lie, or the Quran?The traditon mentioned by Abu Bakr is fabricated otherwise it would not contradict Qur’an. It was only reported by one man, who is Abu Bakr, himself. And, the Holy Qur’an stated a general rule concerning inheritance, where the Prophets and their heirs are included in this rule. 

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