The Meaning of Rijs in 33:33


The Meaning of Rijs in (33:33)

For those the Shias that have dared to ask themselves: “What does Rijs mean?” We decided to write up a short article that answers the question. Unlike our previous article that was a general refutation to the Shia understanding of the verse, in this article, we have decided to refute the Shia stance by quoting Ahlulbayt in an authentic Shia hadith in order to expose the extreme bias of Shias apologists.

 The Misconception of Modern Shias

Unsurprisingly, Shia apologists have made the mistake of assuming the meaning of Rijs due to their preconceptions. Below, we have included some of these assumptions:

  • Guided ( Allah kept all rijs away from the Ahl al-Bayt (as). Rijs INCLUDES sin, IGNORANCE, mistake, error and all other negative attributes.


  • Umar-ibn-khattab blog: Reading the verse of purity, and Hz Fatima’s (AS) inclusion in it, it can be concluded that she was pure from all rijs, all worldly and materialistic pleasures.


  • Allah only wishes to remove al-Rijs (evil deeds and sins, etc.)


  • In the verse under discussion, Allah (swt) makes it clear that the Ahl’ul bayt (as) are those individuals that are exempt from all forms of Rijs.


Meaning of Rijs According to Ahlulbayt

Upon returning to Shia books of hadith, we found that Al-Rijs does not mean any of the general meanings that have been provided above. Ja’far Al-Sadiq explains, “Al-Rijs means doubts, I swear by Allah that we never doubt in our Lord.

The narration can be found in Al-Kafi. It is the first hadith in the chapter entitled: The Chapter of the Appointment by Allah and His Messenger of the Imams (as) One by One.

The narration was graded as authentic by Al-Majlisi, Al-Khoei, and Al-Bahbudi.

Refer to,, and for authentication of the narration.





Note: In the links above, one will find that the authors of the articles have included the term “uncleanliness” between parentheses. This cannot be found in the original Arabic, of course. We humbly suggest that they change the word between parentheses to “doubts” in order to fit in with the teachings of their “infallibles.”

Possible Counter-Argument and Rebuttal


  • Shia apologists might argue that the term Rijs encompasses all the meanings and should not be restricted to one meaning.

Response: We strongly disagree with the suggestion, for there are no authentic narrations from Ahlulbayt that provide an alternative or a general meaning. Secondly, it is forbidden according to Shiasm for one to dismiss the specific interpretation of the Imam by turning a specific meaning into a general one. Nothing prevented the Imams from saying, “All sins / errors,” instead of “doubts” in the first place. So Shias should not put words into their mouths.

  • Some Sunnis include a general meaning for Rijs.

Response: Shias don’t take knowledge from Sunni books, especially in presence of the “authentic” narrations of “infallibles”. It is about time that Shias stop referring to Sunni books in order to affirm their own preconceptions.



According to Ja’far Al-Sadiq, “removing Al-Rijs” has nothing to do with infallibility. Rather, it is a matter of having one’s doubts removed.


  1. Pace be on the ones that follow the guidance, So from what you have here of this explanation you are telling us that The Ahlul Bayt was clear from all doubts about they Lord, so Allah have given them the firm pillar of Imaan more than any other because no other got that Rijs removed so i as a logical person will see that they are the firmest of people on Religion So if i was a leader of A nation i will leave them as my successors …… But i know you all believe in the Shura of Saqifa and such but no problem to Allah we will all return!

    Wa Salaam

    • From a technical perspective, even if we agree a man had impeccable belief, that doesn’t make him a good leader as leadership requires a ton of skills in addition to belief.

  2. ALLAh says” ALLAH wishes to remove from you impurity ”.
    Most important question is that what impurities were there that ALLAH wishes to remove ? First Shia had to explain those impurities which they (5 ahlulbayt ) carried that ALLAH intended to remove. By the verse we have to admit that it is about people who were ordinary humans with impurity of sins or doubts whatever we call it and ALLAH wished to remove that all. But we see according to Shia their Imams are born Masoom or infallible. This verse infact poses a very difficult challenge for all shia. Are they ready to accept that their 3 Imams and Fatima RA were with some impurities until ALLAH showed an intention or wish to remove that. Of course if their was no impurity in the first place their is no point talking about an intention to remove it.

    • you mean that this chpater means that allah first didnt want to do anything about the ahulbayt and his opinion “changed” and dicided to clean tham?!! well as far as I know that is kufr. because allah knows every thing from past to future so his opinions dont change and thats a weakness for him if it changes .

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